Fauna GQL Upload

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Command-line options

The properties listed under config file can also be specified as command-line options. You would use the name of the property in either camelCase, fgu --secretEnv SECRET, or kebab-case, fgu --secret-env SECRET.

The main use-cases for command-line options are to specify different config files or environment files.

To change the config file to be used, you would use something like this:

fgu --config fauna.prod.json

NOTE: The config file still has to be in a JSON format.

To specify a different environment file, you would do something like this:

fgu --envPath .production.env


To use GraphQL codegen through command-line options, you need to first provide the --codegen option and then the desired options. All of the codegen options are prefixed with codegen followed by the name specified in the config file table.

The only options that are not the same as their config property counter-parts are the --codegenDisableTypescript, which corresponds to codegen.typescript, and --codegenDisableOperations, which corresponds to codegen.operations, options. These control default GraphQL codegen plugins which are enabled by default.

An example of usage with GraphQL codegen would be:

fgu --codegen --codegenPlugins typescript-urql --codegenPluginOptions '{ \"omitOperationSuffix\": true }'

NOTE: It is not recommended to configure Fauna GQL Upload with command-line options, they only exist to provide flexibility. You would want to use a config file in most cases.


You can specify which resource types to upload using the following command-line options:

Option Description
--schema Upload the GraphQL schema
--data Upload domain data
--functions Upload functions
--indexes Upload indexes
--providers Upload access providers
--roles Upload roles
--ignore-all Ignore all resources

The --ignore-all option can be used in combination with --codegen to only generate GraphQL types and skip uploading resources.